I. Project Team

Christina Holweg joined the faculty at the Institute of Retailing & Marketing at WU Vienna in 2005 and is an associate professor. She earned her master’s degree in business administration from the University of Graz (Austria) and extended her studies at New York University (USA) and Universidad de Salamanca (Spain). She received her doctorate in retailing and marketing from WU Vienna University of Economics and Business.Before her academic career, Christina was head of Procter & Gamble’s Department of Marketing for paper products in Austria and Switzerland. Among her functions in key account management, she was responsible for the REWE Group, including the introduction of new products and the implementation of category management projects. Mrs. Holweg has been an active member of the Austrian ECR (Efficient Consumer Response) Group since 1998 and has been in charge of coordinating the Austrian ECR Academic Partnership Award since 2009. Her dissertation was awarded the distinction “outstanding” by the ECR Academic Partnership. She received the WU Innovative Teaching Award and the Austrian Sales Promotion Prize in silver leading an e-commerce marketing project of ECR Austria wich was presented at the ECR Europe Conference in Barcelona in 2001. [More Information about Christina Holweg]   Eva Lienbacher moved to the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences in 2018 and is a Professor (FH) in Marketing. Besides that she joined the research team of the project “Entrepreneurial Resilience and Collaborative Engagement in Digital Marketing Tools in the Form of Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality:
An Analysis of Small-Scale Stationary Retail in Austria” (2019 to 2021) at the New Design University, Austria, in 2019.
She received a Masters and a Doctoral Degree in Business Administration from WU Vienna. From 2008 to 2012, she worked full-time as a teaching and research associate at the Institute for Retailing and Marketing (WU Vienna); from 2013 to 2018, she has held a position there as an Assistant Professor. In her thesis entitled, “Corporate Social Responsibility in Retailing: Discussion and Empirical Investigation of Social Supermarkets as Alternative Retailers,” she investigated the concept of corporate social responsibility in food retailing. Her work garnered the Vienna Award for Retailing Research, the Maria Schaumayer Award, and the Stephan Koren Award.Her current research projects include the study of the behavior of elderly consumers in food retailing, the investigation of a new type of retailer, the “Social Supermarket,” projects related to retail and geospatial methods, and topics concerning retail marketing in general (e.g. trends in retailing, pop-up-stores, and more).